Thursday, March 30, 2017


We often hear this word used in various places and by various people. In fact, in Kenya there is a brand of a birth control device called TRUST. Nonetheless, the meaning of this word to those of who have gone through trying moments, those who have sinned terribly, those who have been rejected, despised, forsaken, ridiculed oppressed, disciminated against and even blackmailed, the word TRUST makes a very deep meaning that ought to make us shout HALLELUYA THE LORD IS GOOD!!!!
First, the word denotes reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, love and protection, of a person or thing; To the Christians, our object of TRUST is GOD through the finished work of Jesus Christ. When we look up to the Cross of Christ, our suffereing and the despicable situations we undergo, just become learning experiences of hardening us towards the finish line. So do not give up. Belt up and focus. KEEP ON KEEPING ON.
Secondly, the word TRUST speaks of having confidence. If we say we trust in God, our actions, beliefs, behaviour and attitudes must be governed by honesty. Honesty as an attitudenal aspect should permiate our lives as much as dealing with matters that matter in life like; relationships, dating, marriages, parenting, work ethics, studies, and preparedness for exiting this world. Like in an examination, performance, sporting athletics, contests and situations where we are being tested, confidence produces the best results. Here, if indeed we TRUST in God, we ought to deligently study His word and live according to His perfect will. When we find ourselves in situations that are threatening, we have no fear of failing because the Holy Spirit ensures that we do the Things that pleases God. The WORD that we have hidden in our hearts produces confident expectation of God's DELIVERANCE because He is God and worth of our TRUST.
Thirdly TRUST means confidence in the certainty of future reward, this could be an equivalent of credit: Trust also refers to a person on whom or thing on which one relies: Who is your TRUST? Nations of the world have their TRUST in Nuke heads, weapons, and the power of the gun. Citizens of this world have their TRUST in politicians, presidents, money and wealth. But Christians TRUST IN THE LORD GOD and this gives us hope.God is my trust.
Since in these matters of TRUST we are in a condition of one to whom the gospel has been entrusted.We ought to know the scripture apply scripture live by scripture. Here is where the rubber meets the road.We hardly honour the obligation or responsibility imposed on a us especially when in positions of leadership. The people we lead have placed in us confidence and authority. Leaders occupy a position of trust, charge, custody and care therefore we need to be stewards and not masters. Most of the leaders we have are rulers: they are the "it is either my way or the highway type of people. These sort are those who instead of Trusting in God, they have trusted in themsleves and their way in disregard to other people's opinions and feelings.
The Chracteristics of a Christian whose TRUST is in God, is described beautifully in Jeremiah 17:7-8
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

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